Understanding Cyberculture from Perspective of Intercultural Communication

Xiaoyu Ming
2022 Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research   unpublished
With the widespread use of digital devices and social media, communication happened in digital space has become an important research area. Based on McCluhan's concept of "global village", cyberspace gathered people from different countries and also record communication at different times. Furthermore, when different people are utilizing online social networking, intercultural communication in cyberspace and the cyber culture in various social media platforms become a new area to explore. This
more » ... aper adopted the method of literature review, the articles, and books are from the university database retrieval, aims to understand how scholars seek the form of cyberculture and the development of intercultural communication in the dynamic digital environment.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.220105.023 fatcat:4hpdet3hpbejxbho4fiugbyr5i