High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS) of the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe

Taeke Gjaltema
2022 Statistical Journal of the IAOS  
The article describes the High-Level Group for the Modernisation of Official Statistics (HLG-MOS). The focus is on its structure, the innovation pipeline and the elements of its success. The HLG-MOS was created by the Conference of European Statisticians to accelerate the modernisation of official statistics. To achieve this, the HLG-MOS setup a modernisation community with projects, expert groups, and expert meetings and workshops. It has consistently been evaluated as very successful. Key to
more » ... his is the strong engagement and strategic direction from the Chief Statisticians that lead the HLG-MOS combined with motivated and dedicated experts participating in the activities and continuous oversight and steering from the HLG-MOS Executive Board and effective support from the UNECE secretariat. The innovation pipeline that combines top-down strategic vision and bottom-up ideation is core to identifying and prioritising new areas of work.
doi:10.3233/sji-220059 fatcat:3pn5vzqkezenxdhooox6ist74a