A comprehensive review of extant research on Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) programs

Michael T Compton, Masuma Bahora, Amy C Watson, Janet R Oliva
2008 The journal of the American Academy of Psychiatry and the Law  
The Memphis model of the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) program has established itself as a prototype of law enforcement-mental health collaboration for a large number of municipalities across the country, and several states are implementing statewide training programs that seek to train approximately 20 percent of their police forces. Given the enthusiasm of advocates, law enforcement/public safety personnel, and mental health professionals for the CIT program, and in light of the increasing
more » ... ce of implementation of this complex collaboration in a multitude of localities across the country, we seek in this review to provide a systematic summary of the very limited available research that has been conducted on CIT to date and to comment on future avenues for research.
pmid:18354123 fatcat:xzflr7ow5zdjplljyqrr2c5244