Mini-ß Insertion and Luminosity for the RHIC Lattice [report]

S. Y. Lee, G. F. Dell, H. Hahn, G. Parzen, A. G. Ruggiero
1989 unpublished
Requirement and implication of the mini-p insertion, where a pair of common quadrupoles are inserted between the interaction point and the frist beam crossing dipole, in*RHIC lattice is studied. For the heavy ion operation, we find that P = l m c p be achieved with a f 5 m free space for experimental setup and P = 500m. The beam size limitation is located at the second beam crossing dipole BC2, where 8cm coil i.d. is considered. When the machine is operating at the proton-heavy ion collision
more » ... e, these common quadrupoles should be removed physically in order to let both beams crossing the center line at 3.4 mrad. These mini-p insertion can increase the luminosity by a factor of 2 -3. For the proton-proton collision mode, we find that P* = 0.5m is also operable without the mini-6 quadrupoles duR to smaller emittance for the proton beam. q e corresponding P is 2400m. When the mini-P quads are used, P = 0.25m can be achieved. The ultimate luminosity for the proton-proton collision is of the order of 1033/cm2sec, which may be useful in the quest of the B physics studies.
doi:10.2172/1119307 fatcat:u2uc2dizh5c5pcqebylorg7cce