Formation of grammatical forms of full-meaning parts of speech in Ukrainian and Polish languages

Mykola Lesiuk
2022 Philological Review  
The aim of the article is to find out and explain the reasons that differentiate these two grammatical systems and show that common which unites them and gives the basis to consider them closely related. The basis for writing this article served many years of experience in teaching the history of the Ukrainian language compared to other Slavic languages, and the source base, that the author relies on, are the numerous works of Ukrainian and Polish linguists dedicated to the history of Slavic
more » ... guages. Basic methods that were used while writing this article – are descriptive and comparative, due to which the author was able to show a great similarity in grammatical forms of main (independent) parts of speech and at the same time differences in these forms caused by these or those reasons that arose in the process of development of languages. In this article those language issues were given, in the process of studying of which the students, who study Polish, had some difficulties. This, in particular, concerns masculine and non-masculine personal forms within the limits of every full-meaning part of speech in Polish, namely here separate forms of masculine were singled out that concern just the males. As for Ukrainian, there isn't such a variety of declinable forms, that means it went through larger unifications, moreover, if we take the system of verbs (separate verb forms) – under the influence of female samples. Functioning of these grammatical forms is shown in the system of declension of a noun, adjective, pronoun, numeral and a verb. To conclude, this article will give students and all those who are interested in the language of the nation, namely the representatives of both countries – Ukraine and Poland – the understanding of main grammatical regularities and features of both closely related languages.
doi:10.31499/2415-8828.2.2022.268654 fatcat:kn5dnv2ybffvnhthkzyb4ouhyi