The Quasi-Lagrange Flood Model for Applying to an Unstructured Grid Analysis

Hirohide KIRI, Hajime TANJI, Eisaku SHIRATANI
2011 Journal of Japan Society of Civil Engineers Ser B2 (Coastal Engineering)  
The flood models that employ an Euler type moving boundary technique has been used for analysis of flooding simulation. However, the Euler model is difficult to simulate the flow in flat area, because of dis-continuity of shoreline movement. Then, the quasi-Lagrange flood model that change nodes with Lagrangian only on the shoreline for applying to an unstructured grid analysis was developed. It was confirmed that the proposed model can simulate flood process accurately by comparing with the
more » ... ult of the hydraulic model test, whereas the Euler type model overestimated the flood area near the flooding point.
doi:10.2208/kaigan.67.i_441 fatcat:thfiwxqujfgddms6upntyusr5q