Avaliação Espaço-Temporal das Águas dos Afluentes do Reservatório da UHE Barra dos Coqueiros/Goiás

Hudson Rocha, João Cabral, Celso Braga
2014 Revista Brasileira de Recursos Hídricos  
The building of hydraulic ventures interferes deeply in the physical, chemical and biological properties of water. The objective of the present article was a spatial and temporal analysis of the physical and chemical characteristics of the waters of the Barra dos Coqueiros Hydropower Plant (HPP) reservoir tributaries in the state of Goiás, in order to identify factors that interfere in the water quality. The samples of water in the tributaries were collected at approximately 30-day intervals
more » ... ing a one-year period. The parameters evaluated were: water temperature, hydrogen potential, total dissolved solids, conductivity, salinity, resistivity, and turbidity. The results show that the waters of some of the tributaries present inadequate physical and chemical parameters according to CONAMA Resolution N° 357/2005.
doi:10.21168/rbrh.v19n1.p131-142 fatcat:2u7vdsnl2fg3llrownul76dgjm