Signal Learning with Messages by Reinforcement Learning in Multi-agent Pursuit Problem

Kozue Noro, Hiroshi Tenmoto, Akimoto Kamiya
2014 Procedia Computer Science  
Communication is a key for facilitating multi-agent coordination on cooperative problems. Reinforcement learning is one of the learning methods for such cooperative behavior of agents. Kasai et al. proposed Signal Learning (SL) and Signal Learning with Messages (SLM) by which agents learn policies of communication and action concurrently in multi-agent reinforcement learning framework. In this study, we experimented that the performance of the SLM is better than SL to pursuit problem where
more » ... s can observe only partial information and can move four directions. As a result, it has been shown that learning performance in SLM with longer messages is better than SL.
doi:10.1016/j.procs.2014.08.103 fatcat:it5ibzrkszag5j4gdgrq77ntzm