Can We Use Targeted Next-Generation Sequencing an Alternative Method to the Conventional Tests in Haematological Malignancies? [post]

Emine Ikbal Atli, Hakan Gurkan, Engin Atli, Hakki Onur Kirkizlar, Sinem Yalcintepe, Selma Demir, Ufuk Demirci, Damla Eker, Cisem Mail, Rasime Kalkan, Ahmet Muzaffer Demir
2020 unpublished
Introduction: Advanced diagnostic methods give a huge advantage for identification of the abnormalities in myeloid malignancies. Researchers tried to show the potential importance of genetic tests both before the onset of the disease and during the remission. Large testing panels prevents false negative results in myeloid malignancies. But the important question is how can be merged with conventional cytogenetic and molecular cytogenetic techniques together with NGS technologies. Methods: In
more » ... s paper, we draw an algorithm for evaluation of the malignancies. In order to evaluation of genetic abnormities we performed cytogenetics, molecular cytogenetics and NGS testing panels in hematologic malignancies. In this study, we analyzed 132 patients which are referred to Medical Genetics Laboratory within different type of hematologic malignancies. We highlighted possible algorithm for cytogenetically normal cases.Results: We analyzed cytogenetically normal patients by using NGS 141 gene panel and we detected two or more pathogenic variations in 20 out of 132 patients.Conclusions: Despite of long turnaround time conventional techniques is still golden standard for myeloid malignancies but sometimes cryptic gene fusions or complex abnormalities cannot easily be identified by conventional techniques that conditions advanced technologies are recommended.
doi:10.21203/ fatcat:fvrcd54nlba5xflzdkawmy3h2i