The Daily Texan [article]

University Of Texas At Austin, Austin, The University Of Texas At
The crisis between the East and West is not an economic, nor en tirely a political problem, but principally a cultural problem which must be solved on an in dividual human basis, Archibald MacLeish, former Librarian of Congress and Assistant Secretary ef State, said Monday night. By TOM W HITEHEAD ■Says MacLeish MacLeish hopes it can work through them. As the movement grows, he believes that Russia will not be able to stay out of it. Mr. MacLeish was brought to the campus by the Union For In
more » ... akers Committee and was en tertained by them at a dinner be fore the talk. Present at the din-Mr. MacLeish told an audience ner were members of the Univerof some 500 persons in Hogg Audi-sity Great Issues Committee who tori urn that although there is no heard Mr. MacLeish tell of his common ground upon which Amer-part in establishing the Great Isican democracy and Communism sues course at Dartmouth. can meet, efforts can be made to dispell the fear and hate which
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