Diversity of edible and non-edible marine fishes in East Coastal Region villages at Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India

Kuppan. A, Martin. P, Kalaichelvi. N, Srinivaasu. S, Sivamani. S
2016 International Journal of Advanced Research in Biological Sciences (IJARBS)  
Fish diversity study was carried out at East Coastal Region of Chennai, Tamil Nadu during the year 2015. The fishes were caught by using hook and line and gill nets. Totally 54 fishes were collected, 35 fishes were found under edible fishes and the remaining 19 as non-edible category. Under the edible fishes, 25 species were found under the food fish followed by 10 species as ornamental fish. Among the edible fishes most abundant families were Clupeidae, Carangidae, Scombridae and Soleidae.
more » ... er of food fishes collected under the order Perciformes (16 species) followed by Clupeiformes (5 species), Pleuronectiformes (2 species), Beloniformes (1 species), Siluriformes (1 species). The number of ornamental fishes found under the order Perciformes (8 species) and Aulopiformes (2 species). On the other hand non-edible fish category, Apogonidae family was the more diverse group followed by Pempheridae. Maximum number of species were noticed under the order Perciformes (9 species) followed by Tetraodontiformes (5 species). The present study clearly reveals that Perciforme group of fish were abundant in the Chennai coast which can be used as food and ornamental purposes.
doi:10.22192/ijarbs.2016.03.12.019 fatcat:pdhozsxdnjcfzjgsvutslccqdu