Job satisfaction and employees' turnover in hotel industry: Evidence from Lagos state Nigeria

2021 Journal of Tourism Theory and Research  
Studies that examined the link between facets of job satisfaction and employees' turnover in respect of hotels in Lagos state are limited in literature. This study therefore aims to determine the correlation between five dimensions of job satisfaction and employees' turnover in respect of hotels in Lagos state. The study adopted a survey design. Through on-site data collection, data were collected from 332 employees of 60 hotels in Ikeja, Lagos state. Partial Least Squares were adopted for the
more » ... nalysis and the result show that four of the five tested hypotheses were supported. The result further show that all the five dimensions of job satisfaction considered in this study put together have the tendency of influencing 43.2% of changes in employees' turnover in hotels in Lagos State. By clarifying the connection between the facets of job satisfaction and employees' turnover in Lagos State, this study offers an insight for effective management of employees' turnover in hotel industry in an emerging economy. Hence, hotel owners and managers in Lagos State can minimize employees' turnover by enforcing strategies and practices gear towards limiting job stress, enhancing promotion opportunity, supervisor's support, and friendly workplace environment. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this study is the first to determine the connection between facets of job satisfaction and employees' turnover in respect of hotels in Lagos State using Smart PLS_SEM approach. The study argued that employees' retention in the hotel industry in Lagos State depends on the combination of management of job stress, enhanced promotion opportunity for staff, suitable supervisor's support, and provision of friendly workplace environment.
doi:10.24288/jttr.844747 fatcat:jedidcwyinb3nezbqged5ljrie