Impact of the Pesticides in the Environment and Public Health: The Case of Yucatan, Mexico
Rodriguez Angel G Polanco
International Archives of Public Health and Community Medicine
These pesticides are endocrine disruptors that contaminate the water and can bioaccumulate in the human being, and cause diverse disease in the neurological and reproductive system, included diverse cancer [4][5][6][7]. Diverse studies have reported that the organochlorine pesticides have potential toxic effects such as immunotoxicity, neurotoxicity, developmental toxicity, carcinogenicity and mutagenicity [8-10]. Materials and Methods These multidisciplinary studies use methodologies that
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... ded a territorial characterization in 32 municipalities of Yucatan, an analysis of natural and social vulnerabilities, which contribute to the water pollution, Geographic Information System (GIS) and Gas Chromatography for determination of organochlorine pesticides in water in rain and dry seasons, such as well in blood and breast milk of Maya women. To know if there is bioaccumulation of pesticides in the Maya women with cervix uterine cancer, they were analyzed 70 blood samples, and 25 samples in Maya healthy women were realized a study for the detection of pesticides in breast milk. For qualitative study was used the software SPSS and the Exact Test of Fisher to the analysis of interviews. Results The results show that there is a high level of pesticide contamination in the water, as well as high bioaccumulation in samples of blood and breast milk of Maya women. The highest concentrations of 13.61 and 12.54 ppm ShoRt CommuniCAtion Check for updates Actually, it is important the water conservation to prevent high impact on the public health, as well as the application of the environmental regulations, especially when there is a high fragility for water pollution in the ecosystem, particularly in developing countries. Throughout the world, there are rules and regulations that indicate the Maximum Permitted Limits of organochlorine pesticides (OCP) residues in water, which must be monitored so that the water quality does not exceed these limits, however, in Mexico and developing countries it is not met, and have high impacts on the human health and the environment. Li and Jennings [1] conducted the worldwide pesticide regulation study including Mexico and demonstrated that many current pesticide standard values in the environmental cannot protect human health. Thus to help improve public and environmental health, local government and regulatory agency should review and revise current pesticide regulations. The 25% of the world population of Europe, Asia and America, have karstic aquifers that are highly vulnerable to contamination. Karst landscapes are recognized by the presence of bedrock in the surface, sinkholes, conduits, and caves with high facility of filtration of pollutants to the aquifer. The rainwater generally percolates through the bedrock contact to the karst aquifer [2]. The karstic nature of the Yucatan, Mexico, causes that the underground water is very vulnerable to the pollution by pesticides. The agricultural and livestock activities use banned organochlorine pesticides as DDT, heptachlore, lindane, aldrin, endrin, dieldrin, endosulfan [3].