Thick Film Circuit Layout and Extraction of Parameters Using The Magic Layout Editor

J. N. Avaritsiotis
1990 Active and Passive Electronic Components  
A Technology file for the Magic layout editor has been developed in order to enable thick film circuit designers to evolve fast solutions for layout with design rule checking, and plotting of the masks of multilayer hybrid circuits. The hybrid design system developed provides for device placement, and automatic routing techniques, in thick film circuits. Device placement is done by recalling from the library the pad pattern that corresponds to the device to be positioned. Automatic routing is
more » ... plemented not only in multilayered circuits but also in single-layer technology (i.e. two possible types of metal routed on the bare substrate) where dielectric tiles are automatically created at metal crossings, when an electric contact is not desired.
doi:10.1155/1990/36026 fatcat:4kq5xppm4vgonbjy3u2sd5fhpu