Um violino eloquente: gesto e gestus do violino na cena

Barbara Biscaro, Fernando da Costa Bresolin
2015 DAPesquisa  
On this paper the relationship between music and the scene are discussed departing from the theories of the musical gesture and the gestus from B. Brecht. The link between the languages of music and theatre is made in basis of an practical work called Récita -tudo aquilo que chama a atenção, atrai e prende o olhar, an music-theater performance. The focus of the text is the role of the violin, both from the musically and scenic point of views, its technical specificity and the languages tied to
more » ... he instrument, underlining its aesthetic and historical aspects linked to the setting of such a Brecht and Weill repertoire inside the procedures of the theatrical performance.
doi:10.5965/1808312910132015146 fatcat:azaoeicfcnbvtkvsycinx47w54