Transverse energy-energy correlations in next-to-leading order inαsat the LHC
Ahmed Ali, Fernando Barreiro, Javier Llorente, Wei Wang
Physical Review D
We compute the transverse energy-energy correlation (EEC) and its asymmetry (AEEC) in next-to-leading order (NLO) in α_s in proton-proton collisions at the LHC with the center-of-mass energy E_ c.m.=7 TeV. We show that the transverse EEC and the AEEC distributions are insensitive to the QCD factorization- and the renormalization-scales, structure functions of the proton, and for a judicious choice of the jet-size, also the underlying minimum bias events. Hence they can be used to precisely test
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... QCD in hadron colliders and determine the strong coupling α_s. We illustrate these features by defining the hadron jets using the anti-k_T jet algorithm and an event selection procedure employed in the analysis of jets at the LHC and show the α_s(M_Z)-dependence of the transverse EEC and the AEEC in the anticipated range 0.11 ≤α_s(M_Z) ≤ 0.13.