Robot reliability through fuzzy Markov models

M.L. Leuschen, I.D. Walker, J.R. Cavallaro
Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium. 1998 Proceedings. International Symposium on Product Quality and Integrity  
In the past few years, new applications of robots have increased the importance of robotic reliability and fault tolerance. Standard approaches of reliability engineering rely on the probability m o d e l , w h i c h is often inappropriate for this task due to a lack of su cient probabilistic information during the design and prototyping phases. Fuzzy logic o ers an alternative to the probability paradigm, possibility, that is much more appropriate to reliability i n t h e robotic context.
more » ... Markov modeling, the technique developed in this paper, is a technique for analyzing fault tolerant d esigns under considerable uncertainty, such a s i s s e e n i n compilations of component failure rates. It is su ciently detailed to provide useful information while maintaining the fuzziness (uncertainty) inherent in the situation. It works well in conjunction with fuzzy fault trees, a wellestablished fuzzy reliability t o o l . Perhaps most importantly, it builds directly on existing reliability techniques, making it easy to add to our reliability toolbox. RF 98RM-042: page 1 RF
doi:10.1109/rams.1998.653739 fatcat:bh32rzeys5ab5dsnxelxxvhg6i