Earthquake Relocation Studies near Local Scale Sources using Double-Difference Technique

Wrego Seno Giamboro, Hafiz Hamdalah
2021 RSF Conference Series: Engineering and Technology  
Determination of the location of the hypocenter is very necessary to monitor the potential for seismic hazard. Positioning and seismic energy can help safety workers determine which areas can be mined or temporarily halted. Earthquakes in underground mines are caused by seismic induction due to mining activities such as blasting processes, hydrofracturing, vehicle activities, etc. Earthquakes that occur are generally clustering. Earthquake events generally occur in mine openings, this is caused
more » ... by mass compensation taken. The data used in this study are synthetic micro-earthquake data around the mining area. To obtain a high level of accuracy and precision, especially in determining the location and depth in determining the hypocenter using the Double-Difference (DD) method. The results of the microseismic relocation in the study area are well covered, as evidenced by the residual histogram and shift distribution. The shift of the microseismic before and after being relocated spread in all directions with the dominant direction in the NE – SW direction. The value of the microseismic shift before and after being relocated ranged from 0.5 meters to 150 meters.
doi:10.31098/cset.v1i1.406 fatcat:w6peytimabb2ljmwnzjkopemjm