Organization of Accommodation Facilities During the Pandemic: How to Stay Hospitable While Complying With Sanitary Requirements

E.G. Radygina, A.A. Oshkordina
2020 Proceedings of the Research Technologies of Pandemic Coronavirus Impact (RTCOV 2020)   unpublished
In conditions of forced isolation, restrictions on the movement of citizens and the provision of services, there is a decrease in business and investment activity, the purchasing power of the population, which directly affects the hospitality sector, making it one of the most vulnerable areas of activity during the pandemic. Today, industry specialists face a new urgent task, related not only to maintaining operations in non-standard conditions, but also to innovative development in a short
more » ... od. The article analyzes the state of the hospitality industry, identifies difficulties and identifies recommendations for the organization of functioning and interaction with consumers. The main directions of ensuring the competitiveness of a hotel enterprise in the context of a pandemic are highlighted: state measures to support hotels; adaptation of internal service processes to new sanitary and epidemiological standards; cost optimization; improving management efficiency; active marketing activities; introduction of non-contact methods of interaction with guests.
doi:10.2991/assehr.k.201105.058 fatcat:hdwilzctvfg57kta7va6rcr77q