Estudo da decomposição fotoquímica por exposição à luz UV de fotorresinas positivas

Bruno Gabriel Alves Leite Borges, Maria Luiza Miranda Rocco, Roberto Rosas Pinho, Carlos Raimundo Lima
2012 Química Nova  
Recebido em 25/3/11; aceito em 5/8/11; publicado na web em 30/9/11 PHOTODECOMPOSITION BY ULTRAVIOLET EXPOSURE OF POSITIVE PHOTORESISTS. Positive photoresists are widely used in lithographic process in microelectronics and in optics for the fabrication of relief components. With the aim of identifying molecular modifications among positive photoresists unexposed and previously exposed to ultraviolet light the electron stimulated ion desorption technique coupled to time-of-flight mass
more » ... was employed in the study of the AZ-1518 photoresist. Mass spectra were obtained as a function of the electron beam energy, showing specific changes related to the photochemical decomposition of the photoresist. This reinforces the applicability of the technique to investigate and characterize structural changes in photosensitive materials.
doi:10.1590/s0100-40422012000200016 fatcat:6gisx4kg7ne55kcngrt7sgjv5i