'Periodontal health and disease in an older population: A 10‐year longitudinal study'

Kristina Edman, Ola Norderyd, Anders Holmlund
2021 Community Dentistry and Oral Epidemiology  
To investigate alveolar bone loss (ABL), which is an indicator of periodontitis, and to identify risk factors for ABL in an older population between 2008 and 2018. This longitudinal study used data from a questionnaire survey and a clinical examination administered on two occasions ten years apart to 273 individuals who were 65 years and 75 years in 2008. The mean number of teeth decreased significantly over the ten-year study period, while the proportion of individuals with calculus and
more » ... e ABL visible on radiographs increased. For both ages, the number of teeth decreased by a mean of 2 teeth. The proportions of participants reporting poor general health, daily medication, xerostomia, living singly, visiting dental care irregularly and being in need of extra support in their homes all increased over the observation period. Despite an increased progression of moderate alveolar bone loss, a fairly good dentition and chewing capacity was retained in this older population. However, the individual's age and fragility are important indicators that need to be considered when planning oral health care and the availability of dental care.
doi:10.1111/cdoe.12656 pmid:34056736 fatcat:grblsdnfmbdntfyxfzhdhfjua4