قِصَّةُ آیاتِ التَّحریمِ بَیْن المُفَسِّرینَ والمُحَدِّثینَ

عادل بن عبدالعزیز بن علی الجلیفی
2022 مجلة کلیة الدراسات الإسلامیة والعربیة للبنات بدمنهور  
The researcher dealt with the story of the revelation of the verses of prohibition contained in the beginning of Surat al-Tahrim: between the sayings of the commentators and the hadithers. Judging them as correct or weak, highlighting what has been declared about them with causation, and what is not. Then he studied the sayings and narrations and discussed their texts, giving weight to the first three sayings of them, and that together they are a reason for the revelation of the verses,
more » ... ng the method of combining and reconciling them, and providing the argument for that weighting and its evidence, according to the rules of weighting considered by scholars of interpretation, hadith, illness, injury and modification, with the answer to what he argued He weighted it, then concluded with educational pauses with the mentioned prohibition story.
doi:10.21608/jcia.2022.253015 fatcat:7tqkrh6p2reapek4wmvzk2rb5q