Vitalizing Local ICT-industry by Acceleration of FLOSS-based Software Product Development: A Case Study of the ICT-industry in Okinawa

Jun Iio, Yasuyuki Minei, Masato Kubota, Kazuhiro Ooki
Occupational condition differentials between major enterprises in areas around central Japan and small-medium-enterprises in rural area are caused by hierarchical structure in Japanese industries on the information communication technologies (ICT). In order to remove this inadequate situation, we have drawn a blueprint to reform the ICT-industry by proposing a reference model to develop Free/Libre/OpenSource-based software products and a system that can support the development. The system has
more » ... en implemented in an organization to help the local ICT-enterprises in Okinawa and the reference model is also now provided by that organization. This paper reports an outline of the system and that of the reference model. A result of test-run of software products development along with the reference model, using the support system, is also shown in this paper.