Ratiometric intracellular calcium imaging in the isolated beating rat heart using indo-1 fluorescence

Otto Eerbeek, Egbert G. Mik, Coert J. Zuurbier, Martijn van 't Loo, Cees Donkersloot, Can Ince
2004 Journal of applied physiology  
Eerbeek, Otto, Egbert G. Mik, Coert J. Zuurbier, Martijn van 't Loo, Cees Donkersloot, and Can Ince. Ratiometric intracellular calcium imaging in the isolated beating rat heart using indo-1 fluorescence. ties in intracellular calcium (Ca i 2ϩ ) handling have been implicated as the underlying mechanism in a large number of pathologies in the heart. Study into the relation between Ca i 2ϩ behavior and performance of the whole heart function could provide detailed information into the cellular
more » ... s of heart function. In this study we describe an optical ratio imaging setup and an analysis method for the beat-to-beat Ca i 2ϩ Address for reprint requests and other correspondence: O. Eerbeek,
doi:10.1152/japplphysiol.01125.2003 pmid:15208283 fatcat:d5wg5shv35billzzk2jeofpxiq