An Experimental Approach to the Sophomore Architectural Design Studio

Milorad Pavlovic
2020 Civil engineering and architecture  
Architectural education is widely dominated by design studio courses. Their organization and development constitute an open challenge for educators due to the complexity of the participating factors, i.e., teaching method, design topics, assignments, expected learning outcomes, and experimentation. In particular, the organization might be considered as the factor that characterizes the whole process of the design studio course in different forms. In this research, an experimental approach based
more » ... on 3 project assignments has been proposed for the sophomore design studio courses, as an alternative to the common practice of single project assignment per semester. The procedure aims on proposing a method that allows the students to maintain the organizational schemes of the freshman courses and increase their competences constantly and progressively. The process has been implemented during the fall semester
doi:10.13189/cea.2020.080521 fatcat:2c6hntlrfrf5lobxqht2jl6nmu