Heinrich A. Stammler, 1912-2006

Edith W. Clowes
2007 Slavic Review: Interdisciplinary Quarterly of Russian, Eurasian, and East European Studies  
and Princeton University (PhD, 1968) where he worked with Clarence Brown. Elliott then surprised his colleagues in the field by earning aJD degree at the University of Pennsylvania Law School in 1974. The law degree was simply more evidence of his broad range of interests and profound learning. At Penn he served several terms as chair of the department of Slavic languages, transforming it from an undergraduate training ground for students going elsewhere for an advanced degree to a robust
more » ... ch department, maintaining a high reputation for teaching undergraduates while creaung a strong doctoral program. From this base he organized and led the scholars at Penn specializing in the Soviet Union and eastern Europe to establish a Center for Soviet and East European Studies under Tide VI and then, as director, obtained a $500,000 grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to support the center's research activities. At Penn he also served as associate dean for undergraduate studies and associate dean for planning and development. In all his administrative positions, Elliott exhibited a tolerance, patience, and moral authority than one expects and does not often observe in these capacities.
doi:10.1017/s0037677900028837 fatcat:jbhdxum5l5fnfa452e4ixs4myy