Improved Height Estimation Using Extended Kalman Filter on UWB-Barometer 3D Indoor Positioning System

Ji Li, Yepeng Wang, Zhuo Chen, Linlin Ma, Suqing Yan, Wei Wang
2021 Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing  
Indoor 3D positioning system requires precise information from all three dimensions in space, but measurements in the vertical direction are usually interfered by sensors properties, unexpected obstructions, and other factors. Thus, accuracy and robustness are not guaranteed. Aiming at this problem, we propose a novel sensor fusion algorithm to improve the height estimation for a UWB-barometer integrated positioning system by introducing a pseudo reference update mechanism and the extended
more » ... n filter (EKF). The proposed fusion approach effectively helps with sensing noise reduction and outlier restraint. The results from numerical experiment investigations demonstrate that the accuracy and robustness of the proposed method achieved better improvement in height determination.
doi:10.1155/2021/7057513 fatcat:kth2z6hkh5cyxfzlb426tvvmcq