A Plasmon Driven Bowshock Model for the Narrow Line Region of NGC 5929

D. Taylor, J. E. Dyson, D. J. Axon, A. Pedlar
1989 International Astronomical Union Colloquium  
Close links appear to exist between the optical narrow line region (NLR) in Seyfert galaxies and the nuclear non-thermal radio emission. Both occur on similar scales (~ 102—103pc), and correlations have been found between the 21 cm radio power and both the [OIII] λ5007Åluminosity and linewidth (de Bruyn & Wilson 1978; Whittle 1985). Approximate balance appears to exist between the thermal pressure of the NLR gas and the relativistic and magnetic pressure of the radio components (de Bruyn
more » ... p; Wilson 1978; Ungeret al. 1985; Pedlar, Dyson & Unger 1985). There are also several examples of a direct spatial association between the optical and radio components, for example Mkn 78 (Pedlaret al. 1988).
doi:10.1017/s0252921100024106 fatcat:akgs3wztmvgc5iyo4nblldjowe