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Bibliographical Notices Epileptic and other Convulsive Affections of the Nervous System, their Pathology and Treatment . By Charles Bland Radclyffe, M.D., Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians; Physician to, and Lecturer on Materia Medica and Therapeutics at the Westminster Hospital, &c. Third Edition, incorporating the Gullstonian Lectures for 1860. London: John Churchill. 1861. 12mo. pp.312
Boston Medical and Surgical Journal
The object of this treatise is to show, that muscular contraction, so far from being called into action by an exercise of the nervous power, is in reality the result of the temporary withdrawal or interruption of that power ; that the muscular system is not excited or stimulated into action, but is held in a state of polarity during relaxation, " and that contraction is nothing more than the necessary result of the muscle being liberated from this state and left to the operation of the