English as Medium of Instruction for Subject Courses in Tertiary Education: Lessons Learned from Thai Undergraduate Students

Pennee Kantavong
2015 Asian Social Science  
<p>This is a classroom action research project conducted in an undergraduate course using English as a medium of instruction. The objectives were to identify good approaches to developing students' capacity to understand English and to promote a positive attitude towards the English language. Two cycles of action with various instructional approaches were administered. By the end of the action research cycles, 80% of the students showed a positive opinion towards learning with English. During
more » ... e sessions, 20% of the students needed help regularly. The cooperative learning model was found to be one of the more effective leaning activities, stimulating students to develop their learning and relieve their tensions in using a foreign language. The reflections from students revealed that the learning approaches employed in this study helped students to develop both their English comprehension in the written material and a positive attitude towards learning in English.</p>
doi:10.5539/ass.v11n27p84 fatcat:2ux4hx7ebbcxxdiwxq7xba5ql4