Multivariate Mixtures of Erlangs for Density Estimation Under Censoring and Truncation

Verbelen Roel, Katrien Antonio, Gerda Claeskens
2014 Social Science Research Network  
In this addendum to Verbelen et al. (2015) , we present several additional examples of the calibration procedure for fitting multivariate mixtures of Erlangs to censored and truncated data. Mastitis study An alternative mastitis dataset than the one being considered in Verbelen et al. (2015) , contains information, for a total of 1196 cows, on the time until infection of the udder quarters by one specific bacterium, Corynebacterium bovis (CBO), rather than the time to infection by any bacteria.
more » ... The smaller dataset used in the paper is not a subset of this alternative version. In the same way as we did in the paper, we label the dimensions as in Table 1 to indicate the udder quarters and estimate the underlying density using MME based on this four-dimensional sample of interval-and right-censored udder infection times.
doi:10.2139/ssrn.2545391 fatcat:zikokiqdnzemfi432m3yk3gelq