A Case of Primary Bone Marrow Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma Presenting with Polyarthritis

In-Young Kim, Dam Kim, Byeong Bae Park, Woong-Soo Lee, Ji-Young Choi, Yoon-Kyoung Sung
2016 Journal of Rheumatic Diseases  
Polyarthritis is a common manifestation of rheumatologic disorders; however, paraneoplastic arthropathies also arise as polyarthritis or polymyalgia, particularly in patients with myelomas, lymphomas, acute leukemia, and solid tumors. Because paraneoplastic syndromes, in some instances, might be manifested before a cancer diagnosis, they are difficult to diagnose and are often misdiagnosed. We experienced a 63-year-old female patient who had nonspecific arthritis on both hands and feet
more » ... ed by fever. She had been diagnosed as rheumatoid arthritis and treated with prednisolone and disease modifying anti-rheumatic drugs (DMARDs) including methotrexate and anti-tumor necrosis factor agents. Her arthritis did not respond with anti-rheumatic treatment and diffuse large B-cell lymphoma was diagnosed by bone marrow biopsy. After 6 cycles of chemotherapy, her arthritis was improved as well as underlying lymphoma. (J Rheum Dis 2016;23:256-260)
doi:10.4078/jrd.2016.23.4.256 fatcat:svwpzw3fznhf5gkmt5oriaiypm