Species Composition, Distribution Pattern and Soil Properties in Influenced Zone of Srinagar Hydroelectric Project of Garhwal Himalaya, India

2015 Forest Research Open Access  
The aim of the present study was to understand species composition, distribution pattern and soil characteristics in the influenced zone of hydroelectric project of Srinagar Garhwal Himalaya. The physical (soil moisture, texture, water holding capacity, bulk density) and chemical (soil pH, soil organic carbon, phosphorus, potassium) properties of soil was estimated using standard procedures. Vegetation analysis was carried out by using 10 quadrats on each site, of a size 10×10 m 2 for trees,
more » ... m 2 for shrubs and 1×1 m 2 for herbs. The results showed that average moisture content, water holding capacity and bulk density of the zone reported 7.26%, 30.26% and 1.47 g m -3 respectively. The average value of soil pH was 7.32 which was slightly basic, however, average value of Soil Organic Carbon (SOC) was 0.24%, which reduced with increasing soil depths in each site. The average values of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) reported 13.06 kg ha -1 and 104.21 kg ha -1 respectively. In tree, shrub and herb layers all the species were distributed contagiously in all sites. The average values of diversity reported were H=2.65 (trees), H=2.70 (shrubs) and H=3.18 (herbs). The average values of Concentration of Dominance (CD) for trees, shrubs and herbs were reported of CD=0.22, CD=0.22 and CD=0.15 respectively. The results of the study indicated that influenced zone in present form rich in soil and plants resources and providing many requirements i.e., fuel, fodder, minor timber, medicinal and religious purposes to the villagers.
doi:10.4172/2168-9776.1000137 fatcat:gmj3wxarr5c7jlmmga44ib5gaa