Systematic review of assistive technology-based instruction for postsecondary students with developmental disabilities
Betul Cakir-Dilek
All Rights Reserved ii To my son, Mustafa Kemal DILEK iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This thesis would not have been written without the support of Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education. I am fortunate to have this scholarship to pursue my master's degree in the US. My sincere appreciation is to committee members, Suzanne Woods-Groves, Allison Bruhn, and Kari Vogelgesang for their time, mentorship and support during the thesis process. I also would like to thank to my parents and my brother
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... r their support thorough my education to pursue and obtain this dream. My baby-boy, Mustafa Kemal, taught me timemanagement and provided me relief with his little smiles. Last, I would like to extend a sincere appreciation to my love, Ismail Dilek, for his encouragement, patience, constant understanding. iv ABSTRACT The purpose of this thesis is to identify empirical studies that investigated the efficacy of assistive technology-based instruction to teach independent living skills with postsecondary education students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/ or intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). An electronic search was conducted using the following databases: ERIC (Education Source version), ERIC (EBSCO host version), ERIC (ProQuest version), PsycINFO, and Google Scholar. Seven peer-reviewed journals were searched between 2008 and 2018. The references identified and relevant articles were scanned to find additional relevant literature. Dissertations referring to an assistive-technology based intervention that targets the area of independent living and that was taught within a postsecondary program were included. Participants were diagnosed with ASD and/ or IDD and were enrolled in a postsecondary program designed for individuals with developmental disabilities. Only single-case studies or experimental/quasi-experimental designed studies were included. A total of 155 articles were found. The references and abstracts were saved in Endnote reference manager software for the selection process. First, 19 duplicates were found and excluded. A selection process was then carried out with the remaining 136 articles. The articles were screened by title and abstract, and 32 articles were excluded. Subsequently, full-text screening was conducted, and eight peerreviewed articles and two dissertations were left. To conclude, the types of assistive technology used in teaching independent living skills to postsecondary students with disabilities were reported. The skills taught by using assistive technology were diverse. Results indicated the positive effectiveness of using assistive technology-based instructional practices in teaching independent living skills. v PUBLIC ABSTRACT The primary objective of this study is to identify empirical studies that investigated the efficacy of assistive technology-based instruction to teach independent living skills with postsecondary education students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and/ or intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD). Studies were searched between 2008 and 2018. To obtain relevant literature, dissertations referring to an assistive-technology based intervention that targets the area of independent living and be taught within the postsecondary program were included. After collecting studies based on inclusion criteria, full-text screening was conducted, and eight peer-reviewed articles and two dissertations were left. Overall, the types of assistive technology used to teach independent living skills to postsecondary students with disabilities were reported. The skills taught by using assistive technology were diverse. Using assistive technology-based instructional practices in teaching independent living skills were effective. Study limitations and future directions for research are discussed.