Maturation of the Vibration Environment in Advanced Technology Facilities

Michael Gendreau, Hal Amick
2005 Journal of the IEST  
Semiconductor production and other advanced technology facilities are often designed in two stages, delineated as "base build" and "hook up". The first stage, at completion termed "as-built" by ISO, includes the design and construction of the shell structure and all architectural, mechanical, electrical, and process systems needed to operate the building. The second stage, hook up, includes the installation of the production tools and their local support equipment (dry pumps, piping
more » ... etc.). During the design of the project, cleanroom environmental vibration and noise requirements are often assigned for compliance in the as built condition only (before tool hook up), since it is often the case that a different design and/or construction team is involved in the hook up, and the base build design team will have little control of operational vibration and noise levels. This paper discusses typical changes, or maturation, in the production vibration environment after the as built condition. These latter stages are identified by ISO as "at rest" and "operational". In this case, there is usually an increase in environmental vibration and noise levels with the addition of tools and tool support equipment. The role of maturation in building mechanical equipment is also discussed. Means of controlling the increase in vibration are discussed.
doi:10.17764/jiet.48.1.k3551g852v751t82 fatcat:hkcll6557jgelpnwvv5e34t4bm