Characterization of NaA Zeolite Oxygen Permeable Membrane on TiO2/α-Al2O3Composite Support

Mengfu Zhu, Hongbo Su, Cheng Deng, Linlin Yuwen, Mingming Jiang, M. Jawaid, El-R. Kenawy
2016 MATEC Web of Conferences  
The NaA zeolite membrane was synthesized on the surface of TiO 2 /Į-Al 2 O 3 composite support with TiO 2 as modifier of Į-Al 2 O 3 porous tubular ceramic membrane support by crystallization method. The structure characterization indicated that the TiO 2 of the support surface could effectively improve the surface properties of the support. It didn't affect the crystallization of NaA synthesis liquid and synthesis process of NaA zeolite membrane. There were no obvious defects between the
more » ... particles with size of approximate 6ȝm. The perfect and complete membrane with thickness of approximate 15ȝm combined closely with support to connection together by TiO 2 modified. The oxygen permeability of the membrane on TiO 2 /Į-Al 2 O 3 composite support improves of 47% compared with that of Į-Al 2 O 3 support. So the process of TiO 2 modifying the surface of Į-Al 2 O 3 support should increase the oxygen permeability of the NaA zeolite membrane.
doi:10.1051/matecconf/20166706003 fatcat:p6pgvff3vvb35jbw3o3aozoxxa