A Simulation-driven Approach in Risk-aware Business Process Management: A Case Study in Healthcare

Ilaria Angela Amantea, Antonio Di Leva, Emilio Sulis
2018 Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications  
Risk management in business process is a key factor of success for organization as risks are part of every business activity. Errors may bring to increased costs, loss of quality as well as time delays, which in healthcare can bring to serious damages. This paper proposes a methodological framework to investigate risks in organizations by adopting a Business Process Management perspective that includes modeling and simulation of business processes. We applied our methodology to processes in the
more » ... Blood Bank department of a large hospital. Our results show that a simulation-driven approach is an effective way to intercept and estimate real risks and to provide a decision support to guide the of department's managers.
doi:10.5220/0006842100980105 dblp:conf/simultech/AmanteaLS18 fatcat:lnm7qi27bbgppcuwt64tehqgii