Replacement of mechanically deboned chicken meat with its protein hydrolysate in mortadella-type sausages

Carlos Pasqualin Cavalheiro, Fernanda Luisa Lüdtke, Flávia Santi Stefanello, Ernesto Hashime Kubota, Nelcindo Nascimento Terra, Leadir Lucy Martins Fries
2014 Food Science and Technology  
Mortadella-type sausage elaboration Each batch of mortadella-type sausages was formulated with different amounts of MDCM protein hydrolysate as follows: 0% (CT); 10% (T1); 20% (T2); and 30% (T3). The other ingredients were used according to a typical Brazilian formula as follows: Abstract Mortadella-type sausage manufactured using mechanically deboned chicken meat were reformulated replacing MDCM with increasing amounts of MDCM protein hydrolysates (10%, 20%, and 30%), and their
more » ... microbiological, and sensorial characteristics were evaluated for 60 days of storage at 4 °C. The higher substitutions resulted in sausages more susceptible to lipid oxidation with higher TBARS values during storage; however, these values were lower than the organoleptic perception threshold. The sausages were darker and less red, with lower lightness (L*) and redness (a*) values than those of the control treatment. They had soft texture, which was evidenced by both the instrumental and sensory analysis. Therefore, the formulation containing 10% of MDCM protein hydrolysates proved to be the most suitable for mortadella-type sausage elaboration.
doi:10.1590/1678-457x.6370 fatcat:up7j5qmpwjexdpwgquy3bissoi