Socially Just Society in Terms of Technospherization of the Planet

M V Mamichev
2020 Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference "Far East Con" (ISCFEC 2020)   unpublished
The possibility of creating a socially just society in terms of technospherization of the planet Earth has been analysed. Humanity has always faced the problem of creating a socially just society. The paper deals with the features of the emergence of such a society in the conditions of technogenic development of society and the formation of an inanimate subject artificial world of the technosphere. This world, on the one hand, is a natural product of industrialization, urbanization of the
more » ... , the technogenic development of industrial and post-industrial societies, and on the other hand, leads to an increase in environmental crises, technologization of natural and biological processes, the formation of biotechnological forms of life and unpredictable technospheric transformation of the biosphere. These and many other circumstances dispute the possibility of safe existence of mankind in the conditions of the social and technological development of life and world. Therefore, in the study of the content of such a society, along with the generally recognized theories in social philosophy, the methodology of the socio-natural approach is used, based on the works by V. I. Vernadsky and modern researchers of sociotechnological processes. Social changes are considered in direct relationship with natural changes, and now also with the technospheric ones. The mediator in this interaction is the technosphere. Technospherization of the Earth radically changes the biospheric life, which is reflected in the formation of a socially just society. In the context of modern social and technological development of the world, a just society is a type of the society in which all its members (present and future) have favorable and safe social and natural conditions of life. The preservation of the biospheric life and social justice are closely interrelated, so the creation of a socially just society is possible only if the diversity of the biospheric life is maintained in the conditions of expansion of the artificial world.
doi:10.2991/aebmr.k.200312.015 fatcat:ngt27zl72zgbpakuizktuexcqy