Steroid Effect upon Bacterial Growth

Esther W. Squire, Edward N. Squire
1948 Journal of Bacteriology  
In order to test this, Mycobacterium,lacicola was grown in a medium already described. Forty mg per cent neutralized benzoic acid was added to the complete medium. After 48 hours' growth at room temperature the bacteria were centrifuged and washed, and a standard suspension was made. Aliquots were placed in Warburg vessels, and the oxygen uptake was measured in m/20 phosphate buffer pH 6.7 in the presence of benzoic acid with and without different amounts of streptomycin. Table 1 shows that the
more » ... oxidation of benzoic acid by organisms grown in the normal medium is inhibited 44 per cent by 50 pAg per ml, 82 per cent by 100 jug per ml, and completely by 200 pug per ml of strepto-
doi:10.1128/jb.55.5.766-767.1948 fatcat:53zavahodna55lsqaooulzpyva