Association of hyperlipidemia with lymph node metastasis in early gastric carcinoma

Dhiraj Kumar, Anil Negi, Sushanta Das
2015 International Surgery Journal  
The aim of this study was to see association between pre-operative serum lipid profile and the nodal status of early gastric carcinoma. Methods: It was a retrospective study. Seventy newly diagnosed patients of early gastric carcinoma admitted in the department of general surgery in a tertiary care teaching hospital over a duration of two years, were included in the study. Fasting serum level of total cholesterol and triglyceride were estimated in patients who were proven to have early gastric
more » ... arcinoma on histopathological examination (HPE). Results: Forty six (65.71%) patients had deranged lipid profile. Of these 38 were males and 8 were females. The study showed that 17 male patients had lipid levels in normal range and of these 10 (58.82%) patients had lymph node involvement; while remaining 7 (41.18%) did not have lymph node involvement. Remaining 38 male patients had elevated lipid levels of whom 30 (78.95%) patients had lymph node involvement, while remaining 8 patients did not have lymph node involvement. Eight female patients had elevated lipid levels and suffered from gastric carcinoma, of which 5 (62.5%) had lymph node involvement and rest 3 (37.5%) had no lymph node involvement. Conclusions: Deranged serum lipid levels favour the development of lymph node metastasis in patients with early gastric carcinoma.
doi:10.5455/2349-2902.isj20150512 fatcat:wrrgjqebxbghdayn4ts2kvpp2u