The leak detection method with electric potential control and current measurement

Ken ARAI, Nobuyoshi YAMAZAKI, Nobuaki OTSUKI
2001 Doboku Gakkai Ronbunshu  
The concrete or soil protection layer, placed on geomembrane, laid over slope surface of the landfills, makes electric circuit to connect inside and outside of stockyard. In this condition, it is too di cult to search and locate the leak points of geomembrane liner by the electrical leak detection systems due to electric potential and current anomaly can't occur dose by the leakage point. Authors have developed the new electrical leakage detection method for the landfill which search leakage by
more » ... current measuring under controlled electric potential field. This paper presents some principles of our electrical leakage detection system audits ability, exa iinedby an experiment.
doi:10.2208/jscej.2001.672_69 fatcat:eqhha5uadrctplz3pkgwnj5thy