Development of a Three-Dimensional Unstructured Euler Solver for High-Speed Flows

AFILIPOAE Tudorel Petronel, STOIA-DJESKA Marius
2015 INCAS Bulletin  
This paper addresses the solution of the compressible Euler equations on hexahedral meshes for supersonic and hypersonic flows. Spatial discretization is accomplished by a cell-centered finite-volume formulation which employs two different upwind schemes for the computation of convective fluxes. Second-order solutions are attained through a linear state reconstruction technique that yields highly resolved flows in smooth regions while providing a sharp and clean resolution of shocks. The
more » ... n gradients required for the higher-order spatial discretization are estimated by a least-square method while Venkatakrishnan limiter is employed to preserve monotonicity and avoid oscillations in the presence of shocks. Furthermore, solutions are advanced in time by an explicit third-order Runge-Kutta scheme and convergence to steady state is accelerated using implicit residual smoothing. Flow around a circular arc in a channel and flow past a circular cylinder are studied and results are presented for various Mach numbers together with comparisons to theoretical and experimental data where possible.
doi:10.13111/2066-8201.2015.7.4.1 fatcat:w4doegakqnad7mogttwifvcihq