Violations of Fundamental Rights in Nigeria during Internal Strife and Civil Disturbances by the Nigerian Security Personnel

Abubakar S.R. Matazu
2014 IOSR Journal of Humanities and Social Science  
Human rights law is the law that deals with the protection of individual and groups against violation by governments of their internationally guaranteed rights and the promotion of these rights. The world is however littered with basic examples of violation of fundamental rights which include, but not limited to discrimination, extra judicial execution, disappearances, torture and unfair trials. This index showcases that the number of human rights abuses are mostly committed by the state
more » ... s, and in Nigeria, by the security personnel, saddled with the responsibility of ensuring protection of lives and properties. This paper therefore addresses instances of those violations during internal strife and civil disturbances in Nigeria
doi:10.9790/0837-19870105 fatcat:4cy7r473ojb7to6q652qma5xnu