The Relationship Between Social Media Addiction, SelfEsteem, Sensation Seeking and Boredom among College students

Tanvi Pawar, Jeel Shah
2019 Indian Journal of Mental Health(IJMH)  
In today's era millennials are caught in the trap of social media addiction which has pervasive effects. The present study would examine the social media addiction among 105 college students, between the age range of 18 to 30 years. Previous studies have highlighted that psychological attributes like Anxiety, Depression, Shyness, Loneliness, and Boredom are strongly associated with people who use social media excessively. Methodology: For the purpose of data collection, the tools used are:
more » ... l Media Addiction Scale, Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, Brief Sensation-seeking Scale and Boredom scale. To verify the hypotheses of the study statistical analysis used were Descriptive Statistics, Correlation and for further analyses regression was carried to see the social media addiction as predictor for the other dependent variables. Results: Results found the significant relationship between social media addiction andn boredom and selfesteem. No significant relationship was found between social media addiction and sensation-seeking. Conclusion: As per the results obtained from the Correlation Hypothesis 1 that is there will be a significant relationship between Social Media Addiction and Self-esteem and Hypothesis 3 that Social media addiction and Boredom were proved and Hypothesis 2 that is, there will be a significant relationship between Social Media Addiction and Sensation Seeking was not proved.
doi:10.30877/ijmh.6.4.2019.333-339 fatcat:zueclmtktvdlzgyulo5ikkijwi