Consumer Responses to Proposed Instructions for Cooking Mechanically Tenderized Beef Steaks

M. D. Klassen, C. O. Gill
2015 Journal of Food Research  
Mechanical tenderizing of beef can result in bacteria, which may include enteric pathogens such as Escherichia coli O157:H7, from the surface being carried into previously sterile deep tissues. A telephone survey of 1021 Canadian consumers was conducted during September 2013 to determine current steak cooking practices, and responses to proposed instructions for cooking to ensure microbiological safety intended for labels on packs of mechanically tenderized beef (MTB) steaks. The responses
more » ... ated that 95% of Canadian consumers preferably cook steaks to a medium rare or more well done condition while 66% turn steaks over twice or more during cooking. These practices are those required to ensure the microbiological safety of MTB steaks. Apparently, over 80% of consumers would have no difficulty understanding, and would be likely to follow instructions that specify these practices for the safe cooking of MTB steaks.
doi:10.5539/jfr.v5n1p49 fatcat:vrd23q3xbzbmlcatmwsfettf2i