Mathematical Overview of Hypersphere World-Universe Model

Vladimir S. Netchitailo
2017 Journal of High Energy Physics Gravitation and Cosmology  
The Hypersphere World-Universe Model (WUM) provides a mathematical framework that allows calculating the primary cosmological parameters of the World which are in good agreement with the most recent measurements and observations. WUM explains the experimental data accumulated in the field of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics over the last decades: the age of the World and critical energy density; the gravitational parameter and Hubble's parameter; temperatures of the cosmic microwave
more » ... d radiation and the peak of the far-infrared background radiation; the concentration of intergalactic plasma and time delay of Fast Radio Bursts. Additionally, the model predicts masses of dark matter particles, photons, and neutrinos; proposes new types of particle interactions (Super Weak and Extremely Weak); shows inter-connectivity of primary cosmological parameters of the World. WUM proposes to introduce a new fundamental parameter Q in the CODATA internationally recommended values. This paper is the summary of the mathematical results obtained in [1]- [4] .
doi:10.4236/jhepgc.2017.33033 fatcat:e4u45omcc5gypckalwai3dscoq