Implementation of Distributed Power Generation for Non-Electrified Areas in India

M Rao, R Rao
2007 International Journal of Advanced Research in Electrical, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering (An ISO   unpublished
A vast majority of the total Indian population live in the numerous villages, scattered throughout the country. According to the 2011 Indian census, there are 638365 villages in India and about 74% of Indian population lives in these villages. Electrification of many villages is still a challenge, considering the demand-supply gap. The per capita consumption of power in India is meager compare to that of the developed countries in the world. According to the World Bank, roughly 40 percent of
more » ... idences in India are without electricity. The main aim of this paper is to educate and encourage the people on adopting a dispersed generation system in their daily usage of electrical energy, provide solution to basic electrical services such as light inside their homes, fans and television and investigate the feasibility of using AC domestic load or DC domestic loads and SPV water pumping system in non-electrified areas. The cost of investment and payback for each load will be calculated separately using simulation results.