Construction of the Rehabilitation Model for Drug Abuse in Non-Penal Criminal Policy Perspective

Agah Sonjaya
2020 Open Journal for Legal Studies  
As mandated by the Law for drug addicts/abusers, rehabilitation is carried out. Meanwhile, the rules for drug addicts and psychotropic drugs or similar drugs that cause dependence and have a serious impact are not regulated normatively. So that in the law enforcement process, both Narcotics, Psychotropics and Drugs, Law No. 35 of 2009 concerning narcotics. In a practical level or reality in the field, the implementation of rehabilitation is very monotonous and the road is in place. Both the
more » ... otics Law, Seja, Sema and Perber all require that before waiting for the decision of the panel of judges concerned as a category of addicts must be placed in a rehabilitation institution. Of course, this is very worrying, how much will the rehabilitation process cost? Economically, this law enforcement model is ineffective, so the implementation of enforcement is in place.
doi:10.32591/coas.ojls.0302.03111s fatcat:prpmm5qbdbedxii2lpkxrmulqm