Fingerprint Pre-processing on ARM and DSP Platforms

M. Gok, S. Gorgunoglu, I. Muharrem Orak
2014 Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika  
1 Abstract-In minutiae based fingerprint analysis, fingerprint image is pre-processed before extracting features. The pre-processing is carried out to obtain more accurate minutiae points. Implementing fingerprint programs on embedded systems can be considered as important especially for real time standalone applications. Reducing the preprocessing time is important for identification and verification in real time embedded systems. In this study, pre-processing of minutiae based fingerprint
more » ... em is implemented on two different platforms: Texas Instruments Sitara AM3359 which is a single board computer and OMAP-L138 which is a development kit. OMAP-L138 is a low power application processor based on ARM9 and C674x DSP cores. AM3359 is microprocessor unit based on ARM Cortex-A8 core. Fingerprint pre-processing algorithms are implemented using C/C++ compiler and tested on three different cores: ARM9, DSP and ARM Cortex-A8. The execution times are compared with each other. The results show that using DSP core, execution time is substantially improved.
doi:10.5755/j01.eee.20.6.7287 fatcat:sesk2nh42zbafmy3f5wb6xjpi4